Dineega Specialty Furs
Sea Otter, Seal, and Sea Lion fur clothing and art by Diana Riedel
dianariedel@hotmail.com (907) 253-5364
Hello, my name is Diana Riedel. I am Alaskan Native from Cordova Alaska. My mom, Monica, taught me the art of skin sewing at a young age and I love being able to create clothing from a sustainable, plentiful, and local renewable resource. I custom make all the products for Dineega Furs and I strive for the highest quality in my furs and sewing. I mainly use sea otter, seal, and sealion furs. But I can incorporate other furs as well. Skin sewing is an art, as well as a necessity, that has been passed from generation to generation in our family. My great grandmother Lizzy Semaken handmade all her family's fur garments to protect them in the harsh Alaskan climate.
I like to mix traditional and contemporary materials and patterns with the cultural values and beliefs passed down to me. I respect these resources and practice sustainable, non- wasteful take. I strive to have exceptional quality in my products and customer satisfaction is very important to me. These items will last you years and years and I want you to be happy with the fit and style. Thank you for looking at my art and please contact me with any questions!